The statue of an age-wearied field marshal astride his horse guards the entrance to Hagi Chuo Park. Perhaps he’s scrutinizing files on parade or gazing upon a battlefield, though these days his only remaining enemies are pigeons and errant…

The statue of an age-wearied field marshal astride his horse guards the entrance to Hagi Chuo Park. Perhaps he’s scrutinizing files on parade or gazing upon a battlefield, though these days his only remaining enemies are pigeons and errant…
This is another ‘fun’ post for those that can’t get to Japan at the moment due to this and that going on in the world. I’m vaccinated and desperately needed to get off Okinawa for a few days to decompress…
A weekend getaway can mean packing the family into the car and hitting road for destination away from the every day. As you drive through the countryside trains running parallel occasionally shoot by- the local commuter with school children and…
When riding an old steam engine I want to feel like I’m riding in a relic of the past, not just being pulled by it and to get that experience my wife and I boarded SL Yamaguchi. Operating since 1979,…
The sky was clear of enemy aircraft on the morning of Nov. 20, 1944 at Ulithi, the American anchorage and resupply base that kept the fleet moving towards victory over Tokyo in the latter part of the Pacific War. Fleet…