Near the end of World War II most carrier aircraft that flew missions over Japan would strike their targets and return. Generally those that didn’t come back after a mission never would, but for one Corsair coming back just took…

Near the end of World War II most carrier aircraft that flew missions over Japan would strike their targets and return. Generally those that didn’t come back after a mission never would, but for one Corsair coming back just took…
The first flying Zero to call Japan home in 70 years has come to Kanoya, in the far south of Kyushu. Flying or not, Japanese warbirds are a rare breed. They were never produced in the same numbers as…
Kanoya, in the far south of Japan’s southernmost main island, is a rather inconvenient location for an air museum. It’s more than 500 miles from Tokyo and getting there via public transport requires taking a Shinkansen bullet train to the…
In early August 1945 World War II was far from over. Months and even years of fighting were still in the future of Japan and the United States as the Americans and their allies made amphibious assaults on the Japanese…