
The Japanese Home Front III: Sasebo Air Defense Command Center
The Japanese Home Front III: Sasebo Air Defense Command Center

The Japanese Home Front III: Sasebo Air Defense Command Center

This series is about the Japanese home front in and around Sasebo, Japan during World War II. It is not a condemnation or critique of actions taken by either side during the war but rather a look at the civilian…

The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)
The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)

The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)

This series is about the Japanese home front in and around Sasebo, Japan, during World War II. It is not a condemnation or critique of actions taken by either side during the war but rather a look at the civilian…

Shaking the Heavens from Below: Ozushima Kaiten Memorial Museum
Shaking the Heavens from Below: Ozushima Kaiten Memorial Museum

Shaking the Heavens from Below: Ozushima Kaiten Memorial Museum

The sky was clear of enemy aircraft on the morning of Nov. 20, 1944 at Ulithi, the American anchorage and resupply base that kept the fleet moving towards victory over Tokyo in the latter part of the Pacific War. Fleet…

Last Higgins Boat Lands on Utah Beach
Last Higgins Boat Lands on Utah Beach

Last Higgins Boat Lands on Utah Beach

This article was originally published in 2015 but I felt it merited being reposted here as I’m not in Normandy this year for the anniversary to cover it. For the original post visit: http://usnhistory.navylive.dodlive.mil/last-higgins-boat-lands-on-utah-beach/ Their version also has some neat links…