World War II

The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)
The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)

The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)

This series is about the Japanese home front in and around Sasebo, Japan, during World War II. It is not a condemnation or critique of actions taken by either side during the war but rather a look at the civilian…

Walking a Mile in Another’s Boots: Reenacting World War II in Japan
Walking a Mile in Another’s Boots: Reenacting World War II in Japan

Walking a Mile in Another’s Boots: Reenacting World War II in Japan

Living in Japan participating in a World War II reenactment was one of the last things I’d expect to do, least of all participating in one with a group of dedicated Japanese portraying American Soldiers. But, next month that’s exactly…

Consecrated in the Blood of Two Peoples: Mariveles, Corregidor and the Capas National Shrine (Part II)
Consecrated in the Blood of Two Peoples: Mariveles, Corregidor and the Capas National Shrine (Part II)

Consecrated in the Blood of Two Peoples: Mariveles, Corregidor and the Capas National Shrine (Part II)

Our next destination was supposed to be Corregidor, but we got side tracked in Mariveles on the way down. We were heading south to see about renting a banca, the traditional Filipino outrigger boat, which could take us out to…

Shaking the Heavens from Below: Ozushima Kaiten Memorial Museum
Shaking the Heavens from Below: Ozushima Kaiten Memorial Museum

Shaking the Heavens from Below: Ozushima Kaiten Memorial Museum

The sky was clear of enemy aircraft on the morning of Nov. 20, 1944 at Ulithi, the American anchorage and resupply base that kept the fleet moving towards victory over Tokyo in the latter part of the Pacific War. Fleet…

A Recent History of Japanese Aviation: The Hamamatsu JASDF Museum
A Recent History of Japanese Aviation: The Hamamatsu JASDF Museum

A Recent History of Japanese Aviation: The Hamamatsu JASDF Museum

Some time ago, shortly after we started this blog, I wrote about the underwhelming castle in Hamamatsu. As I mentioned then, there is a lot more to see in Hamamatsu, and things that are more worth seeing.  One of those…