The statue of an age-wearied field marshal astride his horse guards the entrance to Hagi Chuo Park. Perhaps he’s scrutinizing files on parade or gazing upon a battlefield, though these days his only remaining enemies are pigeons and errant…

The statue of an age-wearied field marshal astride his horse guards the entrance to Hagi Chuo Park. Perhaps he’s scrutinizing files on parade or gazing upon a battlefield, though these days his only remaining enemies are pigeons and errant…
I briefly wrote about Rikkunland as part of a 2017 article on bigger vacation, here I’m sharing slightly more information and a lot more photographs of the rare to see Japanese armor and fighting vehicles. In countries that are not…
This year marks the 82nd anniversary of the Zero’s first flight on Apr. 1, 1939. Like battleship Yamato, the Zero is an instantly recognized symbol of Japan despite its current pacifistic leanings. The design is still aesthetically pleasing making it…
The Himeyuri Peace Museum in Itoman reopened after a renovation on Apr. 12, 2021. The renovation gave the exhibits a facelift and tweaked their presentation in order to better reach a modern, younger audience growing more distant from the war.…
(This is a version of the story originally published in Stripes Japan’s Destination Paradise) As the interisland ferry approached Okinoerabujima, I still wasn’t sure if I’d made a mistake coming here. Before us was an island of high sea cliffs…
I did a Top Five Tanks a few years back so decided now would be a good time to do another one but with my top five favorite museum ships. I’m a guy and I love history, so my favorite…
This mini article was first published Jan. 21, 2020 on Wayfarer Daves Facebook. These will not be replacing regular full-length articles but may supplement from time to time on off weeks. Last week I went to Tokyo for the Suzu’s…
Saigo Takamori was born Jan. 23, 1828 in Kagoshima, Satsuma Domain. The son of a samurai tax clerk in the poorest samurai district of Kagoshima, I don’t imagine anyone that day would expect this boy to be one of the…