
The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)
The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)

The Japanese Home Front I: Learning About the Sasebo Air Raid at the Sasebo Peace Museum (Air Raid Reference Room)

This series is about the Japanese home front in and around Sasebo, Japan, during World War II. It is not a condemnation or critique of actions taken by either side during the war but rather a look at the civilian…

Walking a Mile in Another’s Boots: Reenacting World War II in Japan
Walking a Mile in Another’s Boots: Reenacting World War II in Japan

Walking a Mile in Another’s Boots: Reenacting World War II in Japan

Living in Japan participating in a World War II reenactment was one of the last things I’d expect to do, least of all participating in one with a group of dedicated Japanese portraying American Soldiers. But, next month that’s exactly…