Lanterns at the Chinese lantern festival in Yokohama, Japan. The characters written on the lanterns are charms to scare off bad luck. If you want to see more photography like this, check out the links below.
Greetings everyone. Dave Hansche here with an update on goings on here at Wayfarer Daves.
First, Wayfarer Daves now has its own Instagram. Follow us for daily photos from our travels, alternate images not used in our regular articles, and previews of future projects. You can find it here: https://www.instagram.com/wayfarerdaves/
For those who missed the earlier announcement and don’t know, we have an active Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/wayfarerdaves/
And last, I have spun off my non-Wayfarer Daves photos onto their own Instagram and Facebook Pages, as I try to transition my photography from a hobby into a career. If you want to check out some photography that isn’t exclusively history and travel related, give it a look.