In the hills of Yokohama, not terribly far from the skyscrapers, shopping malls, and night life of Sakuraigicho and Kannai, there is a large hilltop park in a quiet neighborhood called Nogeyama. Large parks in Yokohama are not all that…

In the hills of Yokohama, not terribly far from the skyscrapers, shopping malls, and night life of Sakuraigicho and Kannai, there is a large hilltop park in a quiet neighborhood called Nogeyama. Large parks in Yokohama are not all that…
Happy New Year! 2018 was a very busy, and very difficult year for me. I changed jobs, focused my free time on establishing myself as a photographer, and when I had the time, which was not nearly as often…
Lately it seems that I’m being pulled more and more into the historical aspects of photography. I don’t mean photographing history, we’ve always done that here. I mean diving into old photos, old methods, and even a Meiji Period…
Those of you who keep up on international news, especially that coming from Japan, may have heard that the Land of the Rising Sun has been suffering through a particularly hot and humid summer. The latter half of July…
Jan. 1 has come and gone which can only mean one thing… the 76th anniversary of the Battle of Layac Junction, the opening salvo of the Battle of Bataan, has also just occurred and I missed my chance to say…
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article (read it here, I’ll wait) about my experience shooting film for the first time in nearly 30 years. Today, I thought I would talk a bit about the challenges I’ve found…
This update of Wayfarer Daves will be a bit different. I had planned on finishing off an article about the museum ship Hikawa Maru for this week’s update, but I found something else occupying my thoughts today. I hope…
Recently I found myself with a Saturday afternoon free, so I decided to head off to do some hiking around Yamakita, in western Kanagawa Prefecture. On the way, however, while changing trains in Kozu, I found a map of…
Greetings everyone. Dave Hansche here with an update on goings on here at Wayfarer Daves. First, Wayfarer Daves now has its own Instagram. Follow us for daily photos from our travels, alternate images not used in our…
By Dave Hansche We do a lot of articles here at Wayfarer Daves about Japan. Both of us currently live in Japan and for myself, my photography has been almost exclusively done in Japan. Most of the travel I’ve…