Japan loves its castles. We’ve written about Japanese castles several times on this site, and it is unlikely that we will run out anytime soon. Every old feudal domain (called Han in old Japanese) capital city seems to have…

Japan loves its castles. We’ve written about Japanese castles several times on this site, and it is unlikely that we will run out anytime soon. Every old feudal domain (called Han in old Japanese) capital city seems to have…
Samukawa is a town of less than 50,000 people located on the shores of the Sagami River in central Kanagawa Prefecture. The town comprises of mostly mixed residential and farmland, with some industry along the river. For most, the town…
Today’s update is a little different as I am working on a new, larger story still that will eventually see the light of day. Last year I visited the Tank Museum in Bovington, UK, the greatest tank museum on Earth,…
This article was originally published in 2015 but I felt it merited being reposted here as I’m not in Normandy this year for the anniversary to cover it. For the original post visit: http://usnhistory.navylive.dodlive.mil/last-higgins-boat-lands-on-utah-beach/ Their version also has some neat links…
Near the end of World War II most carrier aircraft that flew missions over Japan would strike their targets and return. Generally those that didn’t come back after a mission never would, but for one Corsair coming back just took…