It’s hard getting out for a proper adventure between work and weather, but thankfully every hilltop and depression on Okinawa is sacred or has a legend so there’s always a point of interest within reach.
This is Mizugama no gama, which is literally the Cave of Water Cave. “Gama” is Okinawa dialect for natural limestone cave, made-made tunnel, trench, and slight depression in the ground (passed out alcoholics not withstanding). It’s also tied to the origin of the name Okinawa as this is where fisherman would tie up their boats. To Tang Chinese sailors this act of casting ropes was “Uchinawa,” from which we get “Uchina,” which became “Okinawa.”

Entrance as seen from the current ground level.
Prior to World War II seawater still flowed freely into the cave mouth, though the seawall has since rendered it dry of that sort of moisture. Water still flows though, as the other benefit of the cave is that water filtered through its rocks is potable, which gave the people here a source of reliable drinking water.
It’s a quick stop for the curious and I poked my head inside for a look around. The air was heavy with bugs, Emi was a full feast to them but thankfully they seemed to be xenophobes and left me alone. Or maybe they recognized me as just another form of pest. The cave looks to go back further than my flashlight reached, but given the proximity to the coast and a road I don’t think it went too far.
The cave, which Mizugama district is named for, is close to the seawall which has a view of the Yellow 2 invasion beach cliffs, or Toguchi Beach if you’re into beach-going.
6 Chome-14-25 Mizugama, Kadena, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0204
Very insightful! I had not known that was the origin of the name “Okinawa”!
It’s Steve from Chofu . There is an exbo of evangelion artist creator and his other great work in Yamaguchi museum of art. If you want to go I can pick you up at UBE airport!
I would send you pics but I have no email or whattapp for you!! Ahhhh