Sakura Wars: The 1990s Steampunk Mecha Adventure Series Returns
Sakura Wars: The 1990s Steampunk Mecha Adventure Series Returns

Sakura Wars: The 1990s Steampunk Mecha Adventure Series Returns

Since I can’t get out during quarantine I’ve instead been doing a lot more reading, drawing and gaming so today we’re reviewing a game set an alternate romanticized Taisho era, Sakura Wars. Ready for the story-driven early 20th century steampunk…

Okinawa’s Hospital Caves: Where the Island’s Daughters Went to War
Okinawa’s Hospital Caves: Where the Island’s Daughters Went to War

Okinawa’s Hospital Caves: Where the Island’s Daughters Went to War

Though it can be read as a standalone article, this is the fourth in a series on the Himeyuri Student Corps and follows their story from Haebaru and Itokazu to the southern caves in Itoman and also looks at caves…

Haebaru’s Hellish Hospital Tunnels: Haebaru Okinawa Army Hospital Tunnel No. 20
Haebaru’s Hellish Hospital Tunnels: Haebaru Okinawa Army Hospital Tunnel No. 20

Haebaru’s Hellish Hospital Tunnels: Haebaru Okinawa Army Hospital Tunnel No. 20

Though it can be read as a standalone article, this is the second in a series on the Himeyuri Student Corps where we follow their story to the place they first went to war, the Haebaru Okinawa Army Hospital. A…

Himeyuri Corps: Female High School Student Nurses during the Battle of Okinawa  
Himeyuri Corps: Female High School Student Nurses during the Battle of Okinawa  

Himeyuri Corps: Female High School Student Nurses during the Battle of Okinawa  

During World War II Japan expected everyone to do their part in securing the nation’s unquestionable ultimate victory and this included teenagers. On the mainland high school students were drafted en masse to work in munitions factories turning out weapons…

Living in Taisho’s Tokyo: Shitamachi Museum and Kamiya Bar
Living in Taisho’s Tokyo: Shitamachi Museum and Kamiya Bar

Living in Taisho’s Tokyo: Shitamachi Museum and Kamiya Bar

Divided by a rigid caste system until the Meiji Restoration, Edo was stratified between those who lived in Yamanote, the lords and samurai, and Shitamachi, the more common classes such as craftsman and merchants. Shitamachi means “low town” which refers…

Visit Suzu’s House, a World War II Japanese Home at Showa Living History Museum
Visit Suzu’s House, a World War II Japanese Home at Showa Living History Museum

Visit Suzu’s House, a World War II Japanese Home at Showa Living History Museum

An old-fashioned wooden home hidden in an otherwise unassuming modern Tokyo suburb, Showa no Kurashi (Showa Living History Museum)* normally depicts post-war Tokyo life but for a limited time its taking visitors back to World War II to show life…